10 Toxic Interview Questions to Avoid at All Costs!


We all have pet peeves, little things that get under our skin and make it harder to move forward. For hiring managers, these 10 questions are considered major turn-offs. With a little prep on your part beforehand, you can avoid these "interview killers" and stay on-track to landing that new job:

1) Don't ask for information you could have easily found with a quick online (Google, Linkedin, Company Website) search. The stronger your knowledge, the clearer the signal it sends that you want a position with THIS company.

2) Don't ask if you can change the job details, the schedule, or the salary. You need to prove 100% fit with the role first, negotiate salary only once an offer's on the table, and work out scheduling specifics once you actually have the job! Don't get the order confused.

3) Don't ask too many questions about the interviewer’s background. Some initial questions about the work they do and their experience at the company is fine, then move on.

4) Don't ask about pay, time off, benefits, etc. during the initial interview. This can make you come across as a "WIIFM" ("What's in it for me?") candidate.

5) Don't ask “What does your company do?” YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW THIS!

6) Don't ask “If I’m hired, when can I start applying for other positions in the company?”

7) Don't ask how quickly you can be promoted. Again, this is putting the cart before the horse. Succeed at the job first before entertaining thoughts of promotion.

8) Don't ask “Do you do background checks?” Assume they will.

9) Don't ask about gossip you’ve heard or come across online.

10) Don't ask if the company monitors e-mail or Internet usage.


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