Interviews, Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW Interviews, Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

ESSENTIAL VIEWING: Hiring for Culture Fit- What You Need to Know

How do you show strong CULTURE FIT while interviewing? Here's a quick-and-dirty guide.

With over 40% of hiring managers choosing CULTURE FIT over SKILLS when determining who gets the job, knowing how to play to this side of things is key. Here are some tips!

Here are some frequently asked employer questions on culture fit (according to a recent HBR article):

• What type of culture do you thrive in? (Does the response reflect your organizational culture?)

• What values are you drawn to and what’s your ideal workplace?

• Why do you want to work here?

• How would you describe our culture based on what you’ve seen? Is this something that works for you?

• What best practices would you bring with you from another organization? Do you see yourself being able to implement these best practices in our environment?

• Tell me about a time when you worked with/for an organization where you felt you were not a strong culture fit. Why was it a bad fit?

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Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar

How to Pass the DECIDING MOMENT in Hiring.

We've all felt it- that one moment which will DECIDE whether you move forward...or not.

Here are my tips on STACKING THE ODDS in your favor when it counts most.

We've all felt it- that one moment which will DECIDE whether you move forward...or not.

Here are my tips on STACKING THE ODDS in your favor when it counts most.

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Your Career Anish Majumdar Your Career Anish Majumdar

Am I A Dinosaur in Today's Job Market?

No, working at the same company or having the same job for many years DOES NOT make you a "dinosaur" or hopelessly out-of-touch in today's job market! Here's what to REALLY be on the lookout for. 

No, working at the same company or having the same job for many years DOES NOT make you a "dinosaur" or hopelessly out-of-touch in today's job market! Here's what to REALLY be on the lookout for. 


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Job Search Tips, State of Mind Anish Majumdar Job Search Tips, State of Mind Anish Majumdar

How to Stay Sane During a Big Career Change

I confess...I am TERRIBLE at this.

But, I also believe that our biggest blind spots are where we can make the biggest progress.

Here are some tips on keeping your mind healthy as you reach for greater success...let me know what you think!

I confess...I am TERRIBLE at this.

But, I also believe that our biggest blind spots are where we can make the biggest progress.

Here are some tips on keeping your mind healthy as you reach for greater success...let me know what you think!

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State of Mind, Your Career Anish Majumdar State of Mind, Your Career Anish Majumdar

How to Handle that TOXIC Person at Work!

That TOXIC person at work can have a huge negative impact on your life and career prospects!

It's a drain on your emotions, on your energy, even how quickly you grow and progress.

Stop letting this person get away with murder!

I want to share a simple formula for controlling and eliminating their hold over you.

That TOXIC person at work can have a huge negative impact on your life and career prospects!

It's a drain on your emotions, on your energy, even how quickly you grow and progress.

Stop letting this person get away with murder!

I want to share a simple formula for controlling and eliminating their hold over you.


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Your Career Anish Majumdar Your Career Anish Majumdar

"My Heart's Just Not In My Work Right Now"

Did you know that a recent survey found that 2/3 of American workers feel ZERO sense of engagement at work?

I don't want you to be another grim statistic. 

I want you to rediscover that spark that brings real meaning and fulfillment to your work. And in this video, I'm going to share some PRACTICAL things you can do RIGHT NOW to make it happen. 

Are you with me?

Did you know that a recent survey found that 2/3 of American workers feel ZERO sense of engagement at work?

I don't want you to be another grim statistic. 

I want you to rediscover that spark that brings real meaning and fulfillment to your work. And in this video, I'm going to share some PRACTICAL things you can do RIGHT NOW to make it happen. 

Are you with me?

Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Interviews, State of Mind Anish Majumdar Interviews, State of Mind Anish Majumdar

How to Break the Ice in GROUP Interviews!

Brrr...ever entered a TOTALLY COLD group interview?

Hard to break the ice, isn't it?

Here are some tips to do just that. 


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

Brrr...ever entered a TOTALLY COLD group interview?

Hard to break the ice, isn't it?

Here are some tips to do just that. 

Let me what's worked for you...and if you've suffered a big DISASTER on the group interview front, I'd love to know about that too! :-)


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Interviews Anish Majumdar Interviews Anish Majumdar

How to Quickly BUILD RAPPORT with Anyone!

Do you have trouble breaking the ice with people?

I want to share a personal strategy that works like GANGBUSTERS in getting things off on the right foot. Check it out!


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

Do you have trouble breaking the ice with people?

I want to share a personal strategy that works like GANGBUSTERS in getting things off on the right foot. Check it out!

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Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar

How to Make a LOOONG Career Your Friend!

A long and varied career is an ASSET to your job search, not an obstacle!

As long as you COMMUNICATE what you're about in the right way. 

My latest video will show you how. 

A long and varied career is an ASSET to your job search, not an obstacle!

As long as you COMMUNICATE what you're about in the right way. 

My latest video will show you how. 

Enjoy and let me know what's worked for you!

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Your Career Anish Majumdar Your Career Anish Majumdar

These 3 Qs will help you know whether to QUIT or DOUBLE DOWN with your current employer

is it time for you to MOVE ON from your current role and seek something more fulfilling, or is it time to DOUBLE DOWN and ride the wave you're on all the way to shore?

Accomplishing anything great takes time, energy, and a MASSIVE amount of commitment. This goes double for your career. In fact, if you're reading this it's probably safe to assume that you're VERY familiar with the DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD of career growth. 

Those extra hours at the office means LESS time with your family. 

That project which you lived and breathed for the past few months ALSO meant sacrificing a host of learning opportunities you could have pursued, or those new industry relationships you could have built. 

My point is this: every piece of work you do is precious, because it's time you'll never get back. It's FINITE.

So with that in mind, let me pose a question: is it time for you to MOVE ON from your current role and seek something more fulfilling, or is it time to DOUBLE DOWN and ride the wave you're on all the way to shore?

Hard question!

And the answer is not always obvious.

But asking yourself these 3 questions is an EXCELLENT place to start:

1) Am I Being Challenged Consistently?

As a general rule of thumb, companies which are NOT actively growing will provide you with LESS in terms of challenging assignments and growth opportunities. Remember: you need to leave a role with MORE value, more qualifications and experiences, under your belt. If that's not happening, you need to think long and hard about staying on. 

Trust me: there is nothing harder to deal with in a job interview than being asked what new and interesting things you've been up to...and coming up short. 

2) Am I On An Internal Growth Path?

A job without a future is one that you should never stay at long-term. If you're truly being valued at your current company, they should be actively involved in grooming you for higher positions. If that's not happening, set up a meeting with your direct supervisor and have a conversation about it. Ask for next steps. Ask what you can be learning to support it. And if nothing tangible occurs after you've done so, it's time to start thinking outside the company. 

3) Am I Healthy?

How are you doing these days? Do you feel mentally stronger or weaker than when you began this position? How are your stress levels? How hopeful do you feel about the future? 

Some working environments nourish you. They understand how important it is to treat each other with respect, and to create a place where you feel empowered and comfortable. 

And then there are the others. 

My personal belief is that life is too short, and happiness too fleeting, to waste it in the company of the latter. 

Regardless of where you come down on this, I encourage you to take some time and ask the question. And make a promise to yourself that you will hold the answer, good or bad, important to your decision. 


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW

How to Make Better Career Decisions

3 Major Career Decision Pitfalls (and what to do Instead):

Pitfall #1: Trusting SHORTCUTS over evidence.

Examples are trusting your gut instinct over all else, ideology, fear ("I need the money!") and others.


Gather data to help reach a decision BEFORE considering your feelings. Your feelings don't matter at this stage- treat the whole thing like an intellectual exercise, THEN bring in the emotional piece.

Pitfall #2: Confirmation Bias.

Only seeking out data that supports which way you're leaning.


Play DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. Create a folder with all of the information IN SUPPORT of your decision. Now create a second folder with all of the information AGAINST your decision. Be just as thorough in both cases.

Honestly ask yourself, "Do I really have a broad enough perspective to make and defend this decision?" If you don't, then you need to entrust it to someone who can (ex. a mentor).

Pitfall #3: Going it Alone. 

Nothing kills solid decision-making like staying in the bubble of ego. You MUST break out of this!


Test out your decision on a FRIENDLY, someone with a vested interest in seeing you succeed and has the courage to tell you when your thinking is erroneous.

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Interviews, Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW Interviews, Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

5 Ways to Kill Your Chances with a Hiring Manager

To impress hiring managers, you MUST know their rules. Here's a cheat sheet. 


I’m a big fan of the X-Men comic books, and have always loved the powers of Dr. Charles Xavier, who is telepathic. Who wouldn’t want the ability to instantly read a person’s mind and affect their behavior? This skill would come in extremely handy during interviews with hiring managers, many of whom seem to belong squarely to the school of “Say little and express even less.”

Here are 5 of the biggest hiring manager turn-offs to be on the lookout for:

1) Lack of Specificity in the Resume

A big mistake jobseekers make is submitting overly-general resumes. This makes sense in theory: after all, the more applications you can shoot off, the more interviews, right? But this can really turn off a hiring manager, who wants to know EXACTLY how your background will enable you to tackle the problems they need solved. Clichés just won’t cut it at this stage.

-Create a shortlist of 5-10 positions you’re an ideal fit for.

-Study the job postings for positions like this, as well as LinkedIn Profiles for people who currently have these jobs.

-Tailor your resume to quickly communicate fit for these roles.

-Here’s what separates the best from the rest: once you have a solid framework in place, include METRICS-BASED ACCOMPLISHMENTS for every major position you’ve held that PROVES your ability to execute. Here’s an example:

  • Saved global Telecom company $500M over 2 years through development and deployment of end-to-end Complexity Reduction methodology resulting in purchasing and inventory efficiencies.

2) Too Aggressive about Career Advancement

Look, it’s great to be ambitious. And of course the job you’re after today is probably not the one you want to retire on. But you need to place your focus squarely on becoming the ideal candidate for THIS job before even talking about the next step. Neglect to do this, and a hiring manager will naturally start thinking that you might jump ship within a year, and they’ll be back to square one.

-Create a short “Value Presentation” for the interview which talks about how your 3-4 strongest skills can be applied immediately towards helping the company. Get creative here! For example, if you’re going after a product development position, why not run some quick usability tests on a company’s products, document it, and develop some design suggestions?

3) Too Open About Weaknesses

A hiring manager is not a career counselor. With the latter, it’s perfectly fine to be honest about vulnerabilities in your personality or “pet peeves” that drive you crazy in the work environment. But if you take the same approach with a hiring manager and confide things like you have trouble balancing family responsibilities with workplace demands, you’ll most likely get passed over. They’re not only looking to find the best candidate, but MANAGE RISK.

-Learn how to “spin” negatives into something that ultimately leads to success. For example, if you’re asked what your greatest weakness is, you can tell a story about how you once had chronic shyness and needed 30 minutes to “amp yourself” up for a simple phone call, and now, through courage and repeated exposure, can handle dozens of calls with high-level clients per day. Negative to a positive.

4) Not Following-Up

Following up matters! It shows that you’re truly invested in landing the position, and aren’t just treating it as one of many potential opportunities. I recommend sending a simple, printed note within 48 hours of an interview thanking them for the opportunity, followed by an email sent a few days later that essentially continues the conversation- adding greater detail to questions raised, sharing an industry article of interest, etc. You’re making it clear that the interview was the beginning of an ongoing relationship.

5) Lack of Enthusiasm

If a hiring manager has to choose between the most qualified candidate on paper, and a less qualified candidate who brings genuine passion to the table, they’ll go for the latter every time. You can teach someone almost anything EXCEPT enthusiasm. So if you have a personal connection with the company you’re interviewing for, and believe that this is a meaningful step in your life’s ambitions, or simply love the unique culture they’ve developed, take time in the interview to let them know! It also doesn’t hurt to explicitly state, “I’m very interested in this position, and would love to see a positive outcome” or similar. Excitement fuels job offers!

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Job Search Tips, Salary Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips, Salary Anish Majumdar, CPRW

Super-Tricky Salary Negotiations: What You Need To Know

You're not the "best value" candidate, you're the BEST candidate, period! How to negotiate great offers regardless of whether you're UNDERPAID, OVERPAID, or in talks with MULTIPLE companies.

You're not the "best value" candidate, you're the BEST candidate, period!

How to negotiate great offers regardless of whether you're UNDERPAID, OVERPAID, or in talks with MULTIPLE companies.

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Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW

What's Your Why?

The #1 question you MUST answer to reach a new level in your career. 



Ask yourself: "AM I PRIMARILY..."




Your answer is your CORE STRENGTH.

Now, what would be a path that would allow you to start dipping into one or both of the other areas? This should inform your career direction.


  1. Think of a time when you were performing at your best. What were you doing? What were you saying, thinking and feeling? What was going on around you?
  2. List the top ten things in life that give you joy. What common themes do you notice?
  3. What are three accomplishments you are most proud of? What are your natural strengths that you love to use?
  4. Think about times that you have gotten angry/upset/irritated. What core personal value(s) were not being met?
  5. Who is the one person you admire the most? What would that person advise you to do?
  6. What do you dislike the most about your current or past work?
  7. What would happen in your career if we doubled your self-belief? What if we quadrupled it?


  1. What am I consuming? Reading, listening, watching. How much of it is actively helping me GROW?
  2. Who do I spend time with? Assess the 5 people you interact with most frequently professionally. Are they people to aspire to, or people who are holding you back?
  3. Who are my role models? Am I directly interacting with them, following them on social media, taking their courses? How am I "drifting" behind those who have already succeeded at what I wish to do?


  1. What do you want to achieve with your career?
  2. How much time are you prepared to spend on your career?
  3.  What skills do you need to develop?
  4. What resources will you need?
  5. Where can you get support or advice?
  6. What type of person do you need to be?
  7. What is your motivation?
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