Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar

Job Search Secrets: The Magic of the "State Break"

Stop being a GOOD EMPLOYEE during hiring- that's exactly how employers take advantage! It's time to be bold and creative about standing up for yourself, and this strategy I'm going to teach you is a great way to do just that.

Stop being a GOOD EMPLOYEE during hiring- that's exactly how employers take advantage! It's time to be bold and creative about standing up for yourself, and this strategy I'm going to teach you is a great way to do just that.

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Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar

Here's why you should STOP worrying about AGEISM

Ageism is missing the forest for the trees...simply put, it is the WRONG thing to be focused on!

Here's why. 

Key Takeaways:

-Ageism is a SYMPTOM of a problem, not the problem itself!

-A weak personal brand, combined with a weak (or nonexistent) job search strategy is at the heart of ageism. If you can't powerfully communicate your worth at a level that is commensurate with your age, OF COURSE you're going to run into problems!

Focus on the following:

1) Benchmark the right people, and study how they promote themselves. Older candidates need to combine EXPERIENCE with VISION. 

2) Build relationships with the right people. You should NOT be targeting HR professionals! You need to be connecting with senior-level people at companies who can get you IN as an internal candidate. 

3) Develop a positive feedback loop. Think about doing 1 LinkedIn Status Update per day, combined with personally engaging with at least 5 people in your network. Sustained action brings massive results! 

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Your Career Anish Majumdar Your Career Anish Majumdar

"My Heart's Just Not In My Work Right Now"

Did you know that a recent survey found that 2/3 of American workers feel ZERO sense of engagement at work?

I don't want you to be another grim statistic. 

I want you to rediscover that spark that brings real meaning and fulfillment to your work. And in this video, I'm going to share some PRACTICAL things you can do RIGHT NOW to make it happen. 

Are you with me?

Did you know that a recent survey found that 2/3 of American workers feel ZERO sense of engagement at work?

I don't want you to be another grim statistic. 

I want you to rediscover that spark that brings real meaning and fulfillment to your work. And in this video, I'm going to share some PRACTICAL things you can do RIGHT NOW to make it happen. 

Are you with me?

Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Interviews Anish Majumdar Interviews Anish Majumdar

How to Quickly BUILD RAPPORT with Anyone!

Do you have trouble breaking the ice with people?

I want to share a personal strategy that works like GANGBUSTERS in getting things off on the right foot. Check it out!


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

Do you have trouble breaking the ice with people?

I want to share a personal strategy that works like GANGBUSTERS in getting things off on the right foot. Check it out!

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Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW

What Will You Not TOLERATE in 2017?

Forget New Year's resolutions- there's a better way to reach higher ground. Anish shares a personal story that changed his prospects forever. 

Forget New Year's resolutions- there's a better way to reach higher ground. Anish shares a personal story that changed his prospects forever.

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Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

3 Things You Need to Know About the Job Search

3 things THEY won't tell you that you NEED to know. 



The BEST way to answer the question, "Why are you job hunting?" is with a variation of the following strategy:

Great Experience at my Current Employer


I've Hit a Wall in Terms of Growth and Development


I want to take my Development and Career to the Next Level (and you guys are the best way to achieve this)


A great way to set up interviews when you're in a FT job is to simply be OPEN AND UPFRONT with recruiters and hiring managers instead of pretending you're completely available and then scrambling frantically when one is set up for you!

Tell them that you'll need a little flexibility to work around your current work schedule, and (if they're reputable) they'll be happy to adjust. People often interview after 5 pm.


Many companies push new hires to sign a Non-Compete Agreement (NCA). It's a major hassle in terms of your not being able to work in your field and earn income within your targeted industry in the event that things don't work out.

So if signing a NCA costs you money and provides a major benefit to the company, it's only fair that it cost the company something too, right? Negotiate for a GUARANTEED SEVERANCE PACKAGE for the term of the NCA to tide you over during a transition. Make them seriously consider the merits of having you sign one.

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Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

3 Things You Must Know About Landing A Better Job

3 quick tips to know before executing a job search. 


TIP #1

A great job should NEVER be about just a big paycheck. True career fulfillment also needs:

1) REAL challenges. You can't spend 40-50 hours a week doing mind-numbing tasks and think you're setting yourself up for something better. You're not.

2) MENTORSHIP. 90% of the executives I coach list "loss of a mentor" as the primary reason for seeking a new role. You need DIRECTION and GUIDANCE to get to that next level!

3) WORK-LIFE BALANCE. Not optional, required.


TIP #2

Did you know: Studies show that a candidate who is REFERRED by a current employee is 40% MORE LIKELY TO BE HIRED!

This is why TAPPING YOUR NETWORK, EXPANDING YOUR NETWORK, and SETTING UP AT LEAST 3 INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWS PER WEEK with key industry players will get you further, faster, than answering job postings.

TIP #3

NEVER accept a job offer before asking this question:

"What criteria will be used to judge my performance in this role? What does success look like during the first 30, 60, and 90 days?"

You need to understand PRECISELY what an employer's expecting you to deliver!

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Job Search Tips, recruiters Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips, recruiters Anish Majumdar, CPRW

Pros and Cons of Working with an INTERNAL RECRUITER

What you MUST know about working with an internal recruiter. 


In my work with jobseekers, I often encounter a lack of basic understanding about recruiters. This can really hurt you when pursuing new career opportunities.

Here's some information to quickly get you up-to-speed:

* Internal recruiters, also known as “corporate” recruiters, work within an organization. They usually get paid by the employer who has the available job.

* External recruiters, also known as “independent” recruiters, do not receive a paycheck from the employer who has the open job. They work for someone else, either a recruiting firm or agency, or simply for themselves.

Let's go over the advantages (and possible disadvantages) of working with an INTERNAL RECRUITER:


-Insider perspective. They know how a company REALLY works and usually have deep relationships within the organization (including hiring managers).

-Getting introduced to the hiring manager by an internal recruiter is usually a signal that they're SERIOUSLY INTERESTED In you for the job.

-They can get you on the "inside track" if convinced you're the best person for the position.

-Sometimes they will even coach you in navigating the various personality types and hiring procedures within the company.


-Their allegiance is ultimately to the employer, and that can cause problems if you get caught in a clash between 2 key decision-makers, etc.

-You always need to watch yourself with an internal recruiter (because they're always watching you). You can't confide vulnerabilities and offer "straight talk" on concerns as you might do with an external recruiter.

-They will not hesitate to block you as a candidate if you try to go around them to the hiring manager.

KEY TAKEAWAY: You must ALWAYS present your strongest, most polished self when dealing with internal recruiters. They're not "on your side" during the hiring process. Don't ask for special favors, and don't assume they have control over interview scheduling, salaries, etc.

I'll give you the low-down on EXTERNAL RECRUITERS next week!

Ready to take your career to the next level?

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Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

How to Negotiate A Flexible Work Arrangement At Your Next Job

Quick tips for setting up a flexible work arrangement. 


Did you know that, according to a recent survey by WorldatWork and FlexJobs, the vast majority of companies (80%) offer flexible work arrangements to employees?

However, only 37% of these companies report having a formal, written philosophy to support employee flexibility options.

What does that mean for you?

2 things.

The first is that a work-from-home/telecommute situation can certainly be negotiated at your next position.

The second is that, in all likelihood, you're going to have to do your homework beforehand to broach it in the right way, and secure an arrangement that makes you (and your employer) happy. 

Here are some tips:

1) Figure out How Important this is to You

Are you willing to walk away from a position if they can't provide you with some leeway on how (and where) the work gets done? 

Is a flexible work arrangement simply something you'd like to have, or is it crucial based on your particular circumstance (for example, you have a growing family and need to be more involved in their lives, can't afford to be spending 10-12 hours a day, every day in the office, etc.)?

How you answer this question will play a big role in successfully advocating for yourself. There is no wrong answer here, but be honest.

2) Do Your Homework!

Put your detective hat on!

Start by researching real employee accounts of life at the company. If you know someone at the company you want to work for, take him or her out for a coffee to discuss. Sites like give staff a safe place to post honest, anonymous observations on how they work, company culture, and everything in between. Get a feel for what other experiences at a company have been like to inform your efforts. A company that isn't willing to provide even an occasional telecommuting day is unlikely to be receptive to a more extensive work-from-home arrangement.

3) Prepare a Proposal

Let's be clear: you're not going to be able to "wing it" when it comes to negotiating an arrangement like this.

Once you have a clear picture of what's possible at the company you're considering, develop a proposal for what a fair flexible work arrangement looks like to you.

Do you want to keep a full-time schedule but work from home several days each week? Are you looking for a three-day workweek to help with childcare?

Whatever option you're seeking, keep it SPECIFIC and leave a little extra padding for NEGOTIATIONS (this is a starting point, not a take-it-or-leave-it situation).

Expert tip: if you've worked out a similar arrangement in a prior job, highlight KEY WINS you've accomplished while sticking to it. This offers clear evidence of your ability to get the job done (and will reassure a company that you're not just looking to slack off).

4) Present at the Right Time

Don't pitch a flex working arrangement during a first phone interview.

In fact, hold off on broaching the topic until an actual job offer's been made (until that point, your main focus should be on demonstrated outstanding FIT and EXPERTISE for the position).

Once a deal's on the table, be specific, be passionate about why this is important to you, and be ready to compromise in other areas to make it a reality (reduced benefits or comp, etc.).

A great flexible work arrangement can have a MAJOR impact on how happy you feel at work. Fight for it in the right way and you'll be set for success.

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