Anish Majumdar Anish Majumdar

How to Get Beyond "Imposter Syndrome" in Your Career

Feel like a fraud for going after what you deserve professionally? You're not alone. Here are some strategies for getting beyond Imposter Syndrome and getting your JUST DESSERTS! :-)

Feel like a fraud for going after what you deserve professionally? You're not alone. Here are some strategies for getting beyond Imposter Syndrome and getting your JUST DESSERTS! :-)

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Interviews, Job Search Tips, Your Career Anish Majumdar Interviews, Job Search Tips, Your Career Anish Majumdar

Employers Think I'm a Job Hopper!

Here are some NINJA TACTICS to keep "job hopper" questions from derailing your next interview. 

Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

Here are some NINJA TACTICS to keep "job hopper" questions from derailing your next interview. 


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Your Career Anish Majumdar Your Career Anish Majumdar

These 3 Qs will help you know whether to QUIT or DOUBLE DOWN with your current employer

is it time for you to MOVE ON from your current role and seek something more fulfilling, or is it time to DOUBLE DOWN and ride the wave you're on all the way to shore?

Accomplishing anything great takes time, energy, and a MASSIVE amount of commitment. This goes double for your career. In fact, if you're reading this it's probably safe to assume that you're VERY familiar with the DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD of career growth. 

Those extra hours at the office means LESS time with your family. 

That project which you lived and breathed for the past few months ALSO meant sacrificing a host of learning opportunities you could have pursued, or those new industry relationships you could have built. 

My point is this: every piece of work you do is precious, because it's time you'll never get back. It's FINITE.

So with that in mind, let me pose a question: is it time for you to MOVE ON from your current role and seek something more fulfilling, or is it time to DOUBLE DOWN and ride the wave you're on all the way to shore?

Hard question!

And the answer is not always obvious.

But asking yourself these 3 questions is an EXCELLENT place to start:

1) Am I Being Challenged Consistently?

As a general rule of thumb, companies which are NOT actively growing will provide you with LESS in terms of challenging assignments and growth opportunities. Remember: you need to leave a role with MORE value, more qualifications and experiences, under your belt. If that's not happening, you need to think long and hard about staying on. 

Trust me: there is nothing harder to deal with in a job interview than being asked what new and interesting things you've been up to...and coming up short. 

2) Am I On An Internal Growth Path?

A job without a future is one that you should never stay at long-term. If you're truly being valued at your current company, they should be actively involved in grooming you for higher positions. If that's not happening, set up a meeting with your direct supervisor and have a conversation about it. Ask for next steps. Ask what you can be learning to support it. And if nothing tangible occurs after you've done so, it's time to start thinking outside the company. 

3) Am I Healthy?

How are you doing these days? Do you feel mentally stronger or weaker than when you began this position? How are your stress levels? How hopeful do you feel about the future? 

Some working environments nourish you. They understand how important it is to treat each other with respect, and to create a place where you feel empowered and comfortable. 

And then there are the others. 

My personal belief is that life is too short, and happiness too fleeting, to waste it in the company of the latter. 

Regardless of where you come down on this, I encourage you to take some time and ask the question. And make a promise to yourself that you will hold the answer, good or bad, important to your decision. 


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Job Search Tips, Time Management Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips, Time Management Anish Majumdar, CPRW

No Time to Land a Better Job? This Simple Hack is the Answer.

The #1 excuse jobseekers make: "I don't have the TIME to get a better job!" This simple strategy can help you free up the time. Take an action today!

PROBLEM: "I want a better job, but I just don't have the time!"

SOLUTION: Make a list of EVERY SINGLE ACTION you take during the course of a week. Professional and Personal.

-Now, circle all of the 10X tasks. These are actions you take which pay off across MULTIPLE FRONTS. Ex. running a group workshop generates new business, increases your industry standing, opens the door to totally new other words, this 1 action nets you 5-10 times the results. NOTE: 10x tasks can also be personal. Riding my bike gives me peace of mind, helps me assess the day, brings greater emotional stability...a true 10X task.

-Now, circle all of the 2X tasks. These are tasks you regularly do which satisfy an immediate need while giving you SOME KIND of added bonus.

-Finally, take a look at what you're left with. These are called 1X tasks. Jobs that you have to do all the time, that have ZERO added benefit. These need to be delegated. And in delegating them, you create the time for your job search/networking.

Examples of 1X tasks:

-Mowing the lawn

-Cleaning the house

-Fixing leaky pipes

-Booking meetings and calls

-Replying to cold emails

-Researching flights and prices online

-Here are some great websites and resources you can use to start delegating 1x tasks: (amazing range of services provided starting at just $5)

-Your weekly "Penny Saver". This is a neighborhood flyer that most neighborhoods receive that are chock-a-block with contacts for gardeners, paving, painting...all of the house stuff you don't need to be wasting time with.

ONE FINAL TIP: This strategy only works if you USE THE EXACT TIME that someone else is doing a 1X task with something job search or networking related. In other words, if the gardener will be working on your lawn between 3 and 4:30 pm on Saturday, BLOCK OFF that time to advance your goals.

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Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW

How to Find (and Work With) an Amazing Mentor

A great mentor is rocket fuel for your career. But most people have zero idea how to find, or work, with one. Here's a simple mentorship gameplan you can use ASAP. 


Do you need a mentor? Absolutely, 100%, no exceptions! Consider this:

80% of CEOs have stated they have had mentors.

74% of hiring managers say jobseekers should have a mentor, counselor or job coach, yet only 40% of jobseekers report having someone like this.  

Advantages of Having a Mentor:

-Someone who will LISTEN. It is SO crucial to have someone who can listen and empathize with your struggles, your triumphs, and all points in between.

-Someone who can share "WAR STORIES" with you. We don't learn by being lectured to. We learn when those wiser than us share stories from their life, and we're able to link their experiences to what we're dealing with.

-Someone who will keep you focused. The outside world is ALWAYS trying to steal your focus and keep you on the hamster wheel. A mentor can shock you back to a state of remembering what's truly IMPORTANT, not simply what's URGENT.

-Someone to push you in the right direction. When you're depressed, when you doubt yourself, when your self-esteem takes a hit- this is when a mentor can lift you up and remind you of what a ROCK STAR you are!

Sources of Mentors:

-Family and Friends. If you can't think of someone in this pool within 10 seconds, look elsewhere.

-Colleagues, Bosses, and Extended Network. If you don't know someone directly, ask for a recommendation. Being asked to mentor someone is an incredible honor, and most are happy to consider it.

-Local Professional Organizations, Industry Organizations, and Trade Associations. Added bonus- joining them gives you greater professional credibility.

-Social Media. The world's a much smaller place these days. Don't be afraid to initiate contact with people you think may be "too big"- we're all human beings, and we're all motivated by the same core factors.

How to Approach Mentors and Earn their Respect

-Do your research. Learn everything you can about the person prior to direct contact. Professional, personal, and all points in between. True engagement comes from a place of knowledge and understanding.

-Explain WHY you're getting in touch.

-Share your intentions and desire for help.

-Discuss your goals and what you wish to work on. Come in with a PLAN for where you want to go and where you want to end up, and most importantly, show your potential mentor that you're taking ACTIVE STEPS towards achieving it.

-Set up contact on an ongoing basis. Once a month is fine, all long as it's set it stone. Irregular contact destroys accountability- you need to use every upcoming call/meeting with your mentor as a spur to make progress on that which is truly important.

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Your Career, Interviews Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career, Interviews Anish Majumdar, CPRW

Recently Fired? Then You Need these 5 Interview Answers.

Here are the 5 great ways to answer, "Why were you laid off?"

Career Track/Responsibilities Change

"I loved working at [PREVIOUS EMPLOYER] and [OUTLINE MAJOR JOB RESPONSIBILITY]. A little over a year ago, a new management team was installed, and they decided to change the focus of my department as well as my responsibilities. While it didn't affect my performance, I ultimately decided to leave so that I could find a position that better catered to my strengths. Based on what I've learned so far, this role seems like a very strong fit."

Culture Mismatch

"A new [POSITION TITLE] was installed, and as a result of the changes that occurred, the in-house culture and priorities shifted significantly. I no longer felt that my priorities and those of the organization were in sync, so with regret I decided that it was better for all concerned that I move on. I don't foresee that as being remotely an issue here."

Further Education

"I knew that a [DEGREE, TRAINING NAME] was essential to realizing my career goals. And I knew that trying to pursue both it and a full-time career wasn't realistic. I dove in feet first, learned an incredible amount, and now feel empowered to move to the next stage of my career. Based on what we've been discussing, this seems like an excellent place to do just that!"

Internal Conflicts

"Our company has been suffering with low morale and high turnover for quite some time, and I began to understand that the systemic issues behind it were more than I could overcome. This is why I feel like this position would be an excellent match...."

"As rewarding as working at [PREVIOUS EMPLOYER] was, I felt disappointed by the lack of opportunities for career growth and wanted to change that. Based on what we've been talking about, I feel like this position would..."

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Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career Anish Majumdar, CPRW

How to Make Better Career Decisions

3 Major Career Decision Pitfalls (and what to do Instead):

Pitfall #1: Trusting SHORTCUTS over evidence.

Examples are trusting your gut instinct over all else, ideology, fear ("I need the money!") and others.


Gather data to help reach a decision BEFORE considering your feelings. Your feelings don't matter at this stage- treat the whole thing like an intellectual exercise, THEN bring in the emotional piece.

Pitfall #2: Confirmation Bias.

Only seeking out data that supports which way you're leaning.


Play DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. Create a folder with all of the information IN SUPPORT of your decision. Now create a second folder with all of the information AGAINST your decision. Be just as thorough in both cases.

Honestly ask yourself, "Do I really have a broad enough perspective to make and defend this decision?" If you don't, then you need to entrust it to someone who can (ex. a mentor).

Pitfall #3: Going it Alone. 

Nothing kills solid decision-making like staying in the bubble of ego. You MUST break out of this!


Test out your decision on a FRIENDLY, someone with a vested interest in seeing you succeed and has the courage to tell you when your thinking is erroneous.

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Your Career, Interviews Anish Majumdar, CPRW Your Career, Interviews Anish Majumdar, CPRW

This is The Best Way to Answer "So, What Do You Do?"

The secret to answering "What do you do?" EFFECTIVELY is via a 1-line Tag Line. Here's how to create it:

1) What's Your Emotional Appeal?

How do I make people feel?

How do people benefit by working with me?

What words do others use to describe me?

2) Who Is Your Brand For?

What field or industry am I in (or do I want to be in)?

What are the words I would use to describe my work?

Who is my target audience?

3) What's Your Function?

Are you a creator, an organizer? A connector of people?

What service do I have to offer people?

What do I do that makes me stand out from everyone else?


"I help ambitious people reach a new level in their careers."

"I transform the quality of patient care and the scope of healthcare services within large systems."

"I help companies enter the digital health space and bring game-changing solutions to market."


Click here to receive Anish's free video training on Generating New Career Opportunities ON DEMAND (in the Age of LinkedIn):

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Job Search Tips, Salary Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips, Salary Anish Majumdar, CPRW

Super-Tricky Salary Negotiations: What You Need To Know

You're not the "best value" candidate, you're the BEST candidate, period! How to negotiate great offers regardless of whether you're UNDERPAID, OVERPAID, or in talks with MULTIPLE companies.

You're not the "best value" candidate, you're the BEST candidate, period!

How to negotiate great offers regardless of whether you're UNDERPAID, OVERPAID, or in talks with MULTIPLE companies.

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