Job Search Tips, LinkedIn Anish Majumdar Job Search Tips, LinkedIn Anish Majumdar

3 LinkedIn Settings Changes every jobseeker should make right now.

When it comes using LinkedIn effectively for a job search, a few SUPER SIMPLE tweaks in the back-end settings can have a HUGE impact.


Here are 3 of the most useful ones I know. If you're currently ramping up a search, or just want to be prepared, check out this video and make these changes right now!

When it comes using LinkedIn effectively for a job search, a few SUPER SIMPLE tweaks in the back-end settings can have a HUGE impact. 

Here are 3 of the most useful ones I know. If you're currently ramping up a search, or just want to be prepared, check out this video and make these changes right now!

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LinkedIn, Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW LinkedIn, Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

1 Easy LinkedIn Profile Tweak for WAY More Recruiter Results!

Change this 1 setting to immediately increase attention from recruiters. 


If you're in ACTIVE JOB SEARCH MODE, then you MUST activate LinkedIn's "Share Career Interests with Recruiters" feature.

Simply put, it will IMMEDIATELY put you on the radar of major industry recruiters, offer a glimpse of what types of roles you're pursuing (and what skills you're bringing to the table), and do it all without blasting out notifications to your existing network. Oh, and did I mention it's FREE?

Here's how:

Step 1: Sign into LinkedIn and click on the “Jobs” tab


Step 2: Now Click on the “Preferences” tab


Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see a “Share career interests with recruiters?” option


Step 4: Fill out the questions, then click on the “Share your job preferences” option at the bottom.


Boom! You’ve just sent out a powerful “blast” to recruiters about your job interests, and increased your visibility with them for the next 90 days.

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