Job Search Tips, Time Management Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips, Time Management Anish Majumdar, CPRW

No Time to Land a Better Job? This Simple Hack is the Answer.

The #1 excuse jobseekers make: "I don't have the TIME to get a better job!" This simple strategy can help you free up the time. Take an action today!

PROBLEM: "I want a better job, but I just don't have the time!"

SOLUTION: Make a list of EVERY SINGLE ACTION you take during the course of a week. Professional and Personal.

-Now, circle all of the 10X tasks. These are actions you take which pay off across MULTIPLE FRONTS. Ex. running a group workshop generates new business, increases your industry standing, opens the door to totally new other words, this 1 action nets you 5-10 times the results. NOTE: 10x tasks can also be personal. Riding my bike gives me peace of mind, helps me assess the day, brings greater emotional stability...a true 10X task.

-Now, circle all of the 2X tasks. These are tasks you regularly do which satisfy an immediate need while giving you SOME KIND of added bonus.

-Finally, take a look at what you're left with. These are called 1X tasks. Jobs that you have to do all the time, that have ZERO added benefit. These need to be delegated. And in delegating them, you create the time for your job search/networking.

Examples of 1X tasks:

-Mowing the lawn

-Cleaning the house

-Fixing leaky pipes

-Booking meetings and calls

-Replying to cold emails

-Researching flights and prices online

-Here are some great websites and resources you can use to start delegating 1x tasks: (amazing range of services provided starting at just $5)

-Your weekly "Penny Saver". This is a neighborhood flyer that most neighborhoods receive that are chock-a-block with contacts for gardeners, paving, painting...all of the house stuff you don't need to be wasting time with.

ONE FINAL TIP: This strategy only works if you USE THE EXACT TIME that someone else is doing a 1X task with something job search or networking related. In other words, if the gardener will be working on your lawn between 3 and 4:30 pm on Saturday, BLOCK OFF that time to advance your goals.

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