Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW Job Search Tips Anish Majumdar, CPRW

3 Things You Need to Know About the Job Search

3 things THEY won't tell you that you NEED to know. 



The BEST way to answer the question, "Why are you job hunting?" is with a variation of the following strategy:

Great Experience at my Current Employer


I've Hit a Wall in Terms of Growth and Development


I want to take my Development and Career to the Next Level (and you guys are the best way to achieve this)


A great way to set up interviews when you're in a FT job is to simply be OPEN AND UPFRONT with recruiters and hiring managers instead of pretending you're completely available and then scrambling frantically when one is set up for you!

Tell them that you'll need a little flexibility to work around your current work schedule, and (if they're reputable) they'll be happy to adjust. People often interview after 5 pm.


Many companies push new hires to sign a Non-Compete Agreement (NCA). It's a major hassle in terms of your not being able to work in your field and earn income within your targeted industry in the event that things don't work out.

So if signing a NCA costs you money and provides a major benefit to the company, it's only fair that it cost the company something too, right? Negotiate for a GUARANTEED SEVERANCE PACKAGE for the term of the NCA to tide you over during a transition. Make them seriously consider the merits of having you sign one.

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